The walk is approximately 13 miles over
moorland terrain.
Bodmin Moor
is an agricultural common and the walk can only take place with the kind
permission of the Landowners and Commoners.
Walkers must be 12 years and over.
Remember this is a sponsored walk NOT a race.
Some equipment may require you to download the form which is simple.
1. Select the application form from the website.
2. Download
it to Files or one drive.
3. Open it
from there and fill it in.
4. Once
complete, save and send to
If you need more help e mail
the application form
And last but not least click HERE for your sponsorship form.
The total amount raised by the Annual Bodmin Lions Ten Tors event held on May 19th 2024 amounted to £28,000, each team choosing their own charity.
Update 31/05/24
Pictures below by Lion Ron
Pictures show the start of the 2024 walk & a few of the first back
getting their certificates.
I've not named anyone for fear of getting it wrong.
Although the walk is not a race people like to
know how long they took.
This year the first man back took 2hrs 54mins.
The first two ladies came in with the same time of 3hrs 38mins
Update 26/05/24
Hello everyone!
First and foremost, I would like to congratulate all that participated
in this year’s walk, what a fantastic turnout!
Over 300 of you raised money for your chosen Charities/projects etc...
As you know on our forms, we request that you give us an update on what
funds you manage to raise, unfortunately, at this time we have only had
a 10% reply to this request and therefor I can only give you limited
information, but, of the 10% that have replied, you managed to raise a
staggering £9300 between you, so if you were to add similar ratio for
everybody else, you would get a possible figure to the amount of money
you collectively could of raised! Fantastic, and well done!
A little Info.
Again, this year the weather was kind to us and I hope you didn’t get
too sunburned!
Next year we will get more water to the water stops. Not including what
you were carrying yourselves, we got 45 gallons (204.5 litres) of water
onsite of which most was used.
As you are probably aware, all the people involved with the organisation
of this event are volunteers themselves, so as the outgoing Chairman of
this event, I would like to say a big thank you to all the Lions, all of
the Cornwall search and rescue, all of the scouts, Quad drivers, and
those that just help us out!
There are 3 people/groups in particular to thank, Vincent tractors, who
loaned us the four-wheel drive ATV, (as our own has taken a turn for the
worse!) All the land owners who give us permission to hold the event and
walk across their land, and last but not least, Anna, who walked the
course for the first time and helped to recover all the route marker
flags at the end!
So, from me for now, sorry for anyone I’ve missed, but thanks to you all
that have participated and helped in the event over the years I’ve
chaired it, and we as Lions look forward to seeing you all again next
year…when we’ll go through it all again!
Thank you,
Dave Truran-Outgoing Chairman, Bodmin Lions 10 Tors committee
Update 27/03/24
We have closed the entry list for our 41st walk on
19th May 2024.
Sorry for any disapointment but we are up to our maximum.
Click below to download entry form
Please fill in the entry form before printing
(depending on your device you may need extra app to do this).
Then post the form and entry fee to the address shown on the form.
We will send you sponsor forms for your team.
Gift aid:
If you are raising money for a charity that can claim gift aid make sure
you fill in the full & correct charity information on your sponsor form
Our facebook page may have more updates, click
the logo to link.
Update 25/05/23
This year, Bodmin Lions Club 40th Ten Tors Walk was held on 7th May 2023 starting at 10.00am from St Breward Football Club. 59 teams took part raising over £11,000 for various charitable causes with more to come.
First person back recieves a 40th walk certificate from walk chairman Dave
Second person back recieves a 40th walk certificate from walk chairman Dave
Thire person back recieves a 40th walk certificate from walk chairman Dave
First ladies back recieve their 40th walk certificates from walk chairman Dave
First full team back recieve their 40th walk certificates from walk chairman Dave
Update 07/02/23
This is our 40th Walk
We are now organising the Ten Tors Walk over
Bodmin Moor in aid of local Charities and Clubs. This year’s walk will
START and FINISH at St Breward football club 10.00 a.m. on Sunday May
7th. 2023 a walk of approximately 13 miles over the moorland terrain.
Bodmin Moor is an agricultural common and the walk can only take place
with the kind permission of the Landowners and Commoners.
As the walk has grown in popularity, we have been requested to restrict
the number of walker’s, therefore we can invite Teams of up to 4 walkers
from each group to participate. Note. This is a sponsored walk and each
walker is required to raise money. If you wish to take part and raise
money for your Club, Charity or Organisation, please reply a s a p
Walkers must be 12 years and over.
To cover the administration & organising costs there is a registration
fee of £20.00 per Team.
At least one adult must be part of any team with 12 –16 yrs olds.
The sponsorship to be arranged and collected by yourselves and will be
for a Charity nominated by you or for your own use to enhance the
activities for your Club.
There is a perpetual Trophy awarded to the highest sponsored Team of
walkers. All Teams must be sponsored. Remember this is a sponsored walk
NOT a race.
The walk will be monitored throughout. The route will be flagged and a
Lion’s member will act as a marshall at some Tors. First Aid teams will
be available in case of accidents. Showers are available at the Finish
for your convenience. We cannot accept any responsibility for any
accident and suggest that you take out any insurance you feel necessary.
Whistles are available at the Start to purchase; this will help to call
attention if you should need help at any time.
PLEASE REPLY AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, as in previous years we have reached
our entry limit & had to refuse some entries. Click on the links below
to download safety information and entry form.
38th Annual Bodmin Lions 10 Tors.
Hello Everyone,
Once again the Bodmin Lions 10 Tors event has been completed!
A big well done to the 188 walkers that have taken part in this event to raise money for their own designated charities.
Again thousands of pounds have been raised!
This year it was held on the bank holiday weekend when there were other events taking place, therefor numbers were slightly down but, what a great day for the event, the sun was shining as were the faces of the walkers that took part!
The event was started off with Terry Williams, the Town Crier of Bodmin asking for a minute’s silence, in memory of our old friend and honorary Lion, the former town crier of Bodmin, Nick Prideaux, who sadly passed away this week, our thoughts go out to his family.
We would like to thank Terry for his participation in the event and also to Former Chairman of St. Breward FC, and long-time helper of the Lions, Joe Kay, who this year started the event off for us.
I would like to thank all those Marshall’s and helpers that made it possible for the event to take place, and again all those back room people that are never seen.
Also of course, all the landowners for allowing us to go across their land!
A special thanks to Cornwall Search and Rescue, who’s presence is always appreciated by all those attending.
As last year, the biggest thanks is to all of you, for raising the fantastic sums of money for your own designated charities, and of course getting back to the start safely! Well done to everyone for taking part and we look forward to seeing you next year! (We’ll attempt to book the same weather again for those that requested it!)
Next year’s provisional date is Sunday 17th May 2020.
Thank you,
Dave Truran – Chairman, Bodmin Lions 10 Tors committee.
Click on inages above to enlarge
Not Sure If this is "Catch me if you can" or "Rescue Me"
Hope to get more Pictures of 2019 soon
Carefull decent putting the Fags out on Saturday
Click on the Picture above for a slide show of pictures at the Start 2018
Well done to everyone who completed the 2018 10 Tors Walk on Bodmin Moor.
246 walkers completed the 37th annual event, in very hot conditions.
The grit and determination of some of the walkers was inspiring to others.
To date, (not all the information is in yet!) YOU, the participants have raised in excess of £7000 for your designated charities. Give yourselves a huge pat on the back, a great achievement.
The gruelling 12.5 mile walk up and down the highest hills in Cornwall was completed with only a couple of minor incidents, and those were blisters on the feet!
We would
like to thank Cornwall
Search and
Rescue who were on standby
all day in case
of need.
Also a very big thank you to all the land owners and commoners who allowed us to cross their land and to use their fields for car parking.
Another thank you to St. Breward Football Club who get in early in the morning to get breakfast organised!
One of the biggest votes of thanks goes to all the volunteers who help set everything up over the weekend, and the organisers who sort out all the paperwork so the event can safely go ahead.
But of course the biggest thank you is to all of you who take the time to raise sponsorship and then walk the route in all conditions to raise the funds for your own designated charities.
Once again, well done to everybody.
We hope to see you again next year,
years provisional date is Sunday 5th May
Thank you
Dave Truran (Chairman, Lions 10 Tors Committee)
Update July 10th 2017
The higest sponsored team for 2017 were the Wispas shown below receiving the Shield
We had a day given to us, good walking weather
with the odd shower thrown in to cool everybody down.
The start was delayed by ten minutes to give time to register two teams
held up by some loose horses on the road. Everyone set off at ten past
ten instead of the normal Ten o'clock so we kept to the tens for the Ten
The official starter this year was Lion Gerald Worden, pictured below, Gerald founded the walk back in 1981 & we have held the event every year since with the exception of 2001 during the foot & mouth outbreak. Just before the start all the walkers were called to order by Bodmin's Town crier Terry Williams, Terry welcomed everyone & after thanking landowners, commoners & helpers for the day introduced Gerald.
The day went well, six were treated by the search & rescue team for minor injuries but everyone got back safely. So far teams have declared nearly £13,000 in sponsorship for lot's of good causes, remember there is a trophy for the highest sponsored team. If you haven't told us already by handing in your slip please let us know how much money you have raised, you may be the highest team & win the trophy. Please let us know by the end of May as we need to get the Trophy engraved for presentation on the first Monday in July.
Thank you every one who helped including The Rotary Club of Bodmin, Castle Canyke Scouts & of course all our Lions members
Bodmin Town crier Nick, pictured above with Lions President Jon & walkers ready to go, came out of retirement to start this years walk.
Click the Logo for a video of the 2016 start
Update 16th May 2016
Our 35th annual walk took place yesterday in
beautiful walking weather. Everyone got back safely some with blisters
some with aches & pains.
Many thanks to all that helped & the entrants who took part.
Click on the picture for a slideshow of walkers on Roughtor 2016
Update 9th July
Well done everyone the total raised by
you all this year was an amazing £27,218 for all
the numerous good causes.
The top sponsored team was a team from St Mabyn who raised £3,760
Click on the link below to see pictures & press report for this years walk
Click here to link to Peter Glaser photography for pictures of 2015 walk
Click on the thumb to expose the links to the 2 sub-Galleries set up,
the media one has photos uploaded, click on the thumb, then click on pic
to view in larger size and full caption also can be viewed.
Click for Video of the start 2015
The picture below was taken on Roughtor in 2013, click on the picture to see the slide show from Roughtor 2014.
Click here for Yet more pictures from Peter Glaser Photography